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  • Guo Jianping
  • Published:2021/11/09 09:49:20 News source:

Jianping Guo


Jianping Guo, Associate Professor at School of Law, Xian Jiaotong University, China. Her research interests lie in marine environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and interdisciplinary research of fresh water law and law of the sea. She has published papers relating to the above areas both in English and in Chinese in highly ranked journals such as Marine Policy, Ocean Development & International Law, Asia Pacific Law Review, among others. Dr. Guo currently is engaged in a diverse range of environmental law projects, including China’s enforcement of the Kunming-Montreal Framework, marine biodiversity preservation, and collaborative governance of fresh water and salt water.

Education background:

PhD in Law (marine environmental protection)

joint education program by Xi’an Jiaotong University, China and University of California at Berkeley, US

LLM in international Commercial Law

University of Birmingham, UK


Northwest University of Politics and Law, China



1.Jianping Guo, Wanqiang Li, Haoyu Tian, The Climate Advisory Opinion: A Medicine with Side-effects?, Marine Policy, 2023.

2.Wanqiang Li, Haoyu Tian, Jianping Guo, ITLOS Climate Change Advisory Opinion: Background, Legal Issues, and Potential Spillover Effects(in Chinese), Qinghai Social Science, 2023.

3.Zhujun Zhao, Jianping Guo, Settlement of Belt and Road Disputes between China and Central Asian Countries, Asia Pacific Law Review, 2022, corresponding author.

4.Jianping Guo, The Developments of Marine Environmental Protection Obligation in Article 192 of UNCLOS and The Operational Impact on China’s Marine Policy – A south China sea fisheries perspective, Marine Policy, 2020 (120).

5.Jianping Guo, Peng Wang, Due Diligence and Overlooked Evidence in the South China Sea Arbitration, Ocean Development and International Law, 2019(3).

6.Peng Wang, Jianping Guo, Reconstruction of Chin’a Legal Framework of Investment in the New Era (in Chinese), International Economics and Trade Research, 2016.

7.Peng Wang, Jianping Guo, The design of Appellate Mechanism in International Investment Arbitration: The Case of TTIP Negotiation (in Chinese), International Economics and Trade Research, 2015.


1.Participated in the translation of “Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law”, James Crawford, from English to Chinese, 8th edition, Law Press, forthcoming.

2.Participated in the translation of “The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization”, Peter Bossche, Werner Zdouc, from English to Chinese, Law Press, 2019.